Welcome to a collaboration between SWS & NANNI AUSTRALIA
Leading up to the 2025 Australian Wooden Boat Festival 2025,
we shall be sharing stories of some of Australia’s most interesting wooden craft.
And what do they have in common? They are all powered by NANNI!
The archetypal wooden boat owner is an older man. Caucasian. Bearded. Cable knit jumper. Seemingly unapproachable.
It’s a quaint trope that no doubt has authentic origins, but it’s an image we must move
on from, for the longevity and growth of the wooden boat world. Here’s a young couple, actively challenging stereotypes - meet Holly and Jordy.
In this the second in a series of articles, SWS collaborates with NANNI AUSTRALIA
to showcase a commitment to wooden boats
EVENING TIDE was originally commissioned by Frank Collins who, in 1978, started Collins Marine, now Nanni Australia.
As a keen yachtsman, and at that time, a Renault automotive dealer located in Sydney,
it was a natural fit for Frank, a person with an engineering background and a strong passion for sailing to get involved in the distribution of marine diesel engines.

A Global Brand
NANNI is an independent International company founded in 1952 and is recognised as France’s leading marine engine manufacturer. The company designs, develops, manufacturers and markets diesel engine and generator sets designed specifically for the challenge of marine applications. Nanni also provides all related accessories including fuel, control, filtration and electrical systems. With its comprehensive product range, Nanni offers content in all power and application categories, and is able to provide a full range of solutions, from bobtail engines to complete power systems. Headquartered in France, the production unit and the design office are certified as compliant with ISO 9001 standards.