“Camel Finds Water”

Some of you may glance at the picture above and think “Yes” …the SWS editorial team has (as long suspected) lost all their judgement. We admit the craft is a rather unattractive little runabout… and yes, its not really made out of wood….and yes, the story of the CAMEL is firmly rooted in the Northern Hemisphere.

BUT….. If you have just 9 minutes to spare please watch this little gem of a short story. Presented as if a charming blend of a 1960 American documentary and a contemporary Wes Anderson Film, “Camel Finds Water” reminds us that boat ownership should be about achievement, adventure and friendship rather than Yacht Club Memberships, 15 coats of varnish and “mine is older/longer/prettier/faster than yours”.

Trevor Gordon, finds the wreck of an old runabout in a field, with the help of friends he rebuilds the boat, which has little provenance and less aesthetic appeal. He teams up with his mate Tosh and off they go on a cold water surfing trip to Canada.

I challenge you not to smile as the music swells and the credits roll, and most of us would be happy to admit that we would have like to be part of this little adventure!

Click the image below to watch…. Its free, with a sign up!


The Ship Arrives- My Departure Awaits


Normandy to Sorrento