FestPAC: Traditional voyage from Rarotonga to Hawai'i sets sail

From Our ABC by Seni Iasona

The crew set off for Hawai'i on Friday (local time).(Supplied: Nior Photography)

Twenty-five days at sea navigating with traditional methods on a vaka wouldn't be foreign to our ancestors — and it's the reality for 16 Cook Islanders just days into their voyage to Hawai'i. Their mission? To keep traditional knowledge alive as they sail with no stops to the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC). Cook Islander and master navigator Peia Patai is leading a crew of 15, some experienced sailors and others as young as 16, on the mammoth voyage. A lifetime sailor, Mr Patai was trained in 1991 in Hawai'i by master navigator Nainoa Thompson.He's eager for the younger crew to attend the festival. 

"It's amazing. I think it will be an eye-opener for our young people to see the different kinds of cultures that come from our sister countries and what they bring. I loved it."

Master navigator Peia Patai said he was excited about the challenge he and his team would face.(ABC Pacific: Eipuatiare Tua)

As locals in Rarotonga awoke to clouds, down at Avarua Harbour, a Ve'eve'e Aroa farewell ceremony was about to take place. Vaka Marumaru Atua sat docked in Rarotonga with its eager crew onboard as traditional Rarotongan drumming thumped — a sign the ceremony was about to begin.

The farewell ceremony began with the sound of traditional drumming. (ABC Pacific: Eipuatiare Tua )

Across the road, delegates dressed for the occasion made their way to Avarua Harbour by foot, where they were traditionally welcomed, soon followed by the crew of 16 greeted on the dock with applause and traditional callings.

Mr Patai told ABC Pacific the Ve'eve'e Aroa ceremony was part of their voyage, a moment where they pay respect to their people.

"At the same time, to thank the parents of these young warriors that are going, for allowing them to come on the canoe, to participate," he said.

"It's not an easy length, it's a length of about 25 days, so this has to be done."

The crew of 16 are just days into their 25-day voyage to Hawai'i. (ABC Pacific: Eipuatiare Tua )

Mr Patai held a woven bag with a large rock inside, which will be presented at FestPAC on their arrival. Two of the younger members of the crew are 16-year-old Tama Tuakanangaro from the outer island of Mauke, and 17-year-old Vavia Puapii, from Aitutaki.

Vavia (L) and Tama are the youngest crew members onboard. (Facebook: Te Puna Marama Voyaging Foundation)

Both were excited about the journey, a year in the making. Until now, they've only ever done overnight sails. Mr Patai said it was important to pass down cultural knowledge to the younger generations.

"For me to pass it on to our young people so that we don't go overseas and seek the knowledge again... it's a very important trip," he said.

"The main and important thing behind all of this is to pass the knowledge onto them because as you know, they will be the future ... my hairs are going white and everything is going slow.

"So, it's time to get that started and give it to these young guys."

Crew members were all smiles, despite changes to their path forced by bad weather. (Facebook: Te Puna Marama Voyaging Foundation)

On Friday morning (local time), several days after the farewell ceremony, the crew of 16 set off. The vaka was loaded with dehydrated and canned food. There's also fresh food, which will be eaten in the first week.

Ready to go at sunrise.(Supplied: Nior Photography)

But of course, they're also counting on the delicious seafood living in the ocean they're sailing across.

"If we catch fish every day, that's what we will have rather have than corn beef. The corn beef becomes the last resort," Mr Patai said.

It was a bumpy day at sea when the crew set sail. (Supplied: Nior Photography)

The crew works in three-hour shifts with five on at once. They'll also have a watch captain in charge. There won't be an escort vessel. Their expert navigator is confident in their canoes.

"They are very seaworthy and built well, and have been looked after very well too," Mr Patai said.

"And the ability of our crew... we believe that will take us to Hawai'i no problem."


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