The SWS Summer Playlist


Sailing, especially on wooden boats should be a fully immersive enterprise with all senses contributing to the overall experience. Imagery or visual appeal is what we base so much of love of these craft upon. However, smell is also important. That first waft of air on opening the hatch after a week or two being locked up, tells us quickly what state the boat is in. The dry fresh smell of mahogany, or the damp fetid smell of mould, or dare I say it, rot! The sense we use, almost subliminally while sailing is sound. Sleeping down below on a long passage, the first indication I get that something is changing above on deck is often a new or enhanced sound.

What’s an afternoon aboard a boaT without music?

The link below takes you to our Summer Playlist for 2020/21. All songs reference boats and sailing in at least a fleeting way. These are the songs we enjoy when relaxing onboard and we hope you might enjoy some of them too. Let us know what you're enjoying this holiday season.

All the tunes you’ll need for Summer

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