Two Blokes Build a Boat

YouTube Sailing Series in most cases, are the antithesis of what we are trying to create at SWS.

While we try to value authenticity, in design, in personal attitudes and in editorial opinion, many vloggers seem to think that a low cut bikini top, a manufactured life threatening situation, and a few shouted obscenities will create an audience that will fund their project. And in many cases they are right. Most sources on the internet agree the average YouTuber in the US earns around $. 01 to . 03 per view, which is roughly $10-30 per 1,000 views. So the latest edition of “Sailing La Vagabond” had 340,000 views in the first 24 hours, earning its creators around $7000 USD in addition to the income from blatant product spruiking, which make Lou Richards’ Bertocchi Ham promos look genuine. But they have 1.9 million subscribers… so my cynicism is rightly trampled under the feet of the madding crowd.

So it’s refreshing when you stumble across a series that seems to be made for more wholesome reasons. “Two Blokes and a Boat” is just that. It has a gentle pace, accentuated by sensitive, lingering camera work. It tells the story of the conception, planning and construction of a Morgan Giles 14ft 7in sailing and pulling dinghy. It’s part history, part project record, part instruction… all wrapped up in a typically English, self deprecating delivery. The first Episode is on line now. It’s 15 minutes long and deserves your attention.


“Deep Water and Shoal”- 90 years on.


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