Unapologetically Elite

Here at SWS we usually steer away from the rarified air of the glamorous European Classic Yachting circuit. We prefer to cover events that include, rather than exclude, that stem from a ground swell of enthusiasm rather than the offering of an expensive, garish trophy. However I think its sometimes ok to just wallow in the sheer majesty of massive, elite, eye-wateringly expensive, restored Classic Yachts.

Such is the case with the recently concluded RICHARD MILLE CUP.

This is the second running of an event whose (slightly breathless) publicity states…

At the heart of the regatta is a desire to create a challenging sporting event which pushes competitors across a range of coastal and offshore races, With all of the vessels built or designed before 1940 or faithful replicas, the Richard Mille Cup recreates the spectacle, sporting values and elegance of the regatta circuits of the pre-war years.

The courses are interesting, involving a west to east transit of the English Channel, and a sprint across to France.

There were only twelve entries but wow, what a dozen!

(Click to Enlarge)

Interestingly one of them THALIA is for sale for what seems a very reasonable price

The results of the racing seem slightly irrelevant, but the imagery from the water is awe inspiring! Enjoy!


…the people you meet and race against…


The Morton Bay Cruiser with a Permanent Smile