The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
Worth it for the Gurus alone!
“I have in mind to admit it all to the New York Yacht Club that I really owe the secret of the design to a Greek guy who helped me out and was invaluable. He’s been dead for 2,000 years. Bloody Archimedes…”
an unforgettable sight of 300 boats
The Grand Parade, led by the drum of dragon boats and the sails of a tall ship, invites all boats to the water, spiriting all vessels past a crowd of thousands waving from the foreshore.
SAWBF-A view from the outside
But we weren’t going to South Australia for art, landscapes and wine, we were going to experience the 17th biennial South Australian Wooden Boat Festival held in Goolwa near the mouth of the Murray. I was looking forward to understanding a little bit about the particular craft of the area and how they relate the idiosyncratic geography of the region.
The AWBF 2023 Film
Just in case you are still dreaming of that weekend three weeks ago, the AWBF has put together a three minute video montage covering all the action from in an around the Hobart Waterside.
The Festival-Frame by frame
While we came away with enough content to keep these pages filled for a month or two, this week we choose instead to simply share some images from an unforgettable four days.
Social Fest
The chosen social media platform at SWS is instagram… so here are nine feeds that should be covering the AWBF event if you can’t make it in person. There’s plenty of existing content from their journeys to the festival and hopefully plenty of imagery to come from Hobart
Music on the Margaret Pearl
Any musical genre will be considered. Jim’s especially looking to find a jazz/blues piano player to take on melodica duties but he’s also hoping to see bagpipes, bush ballads, bosa nova, bebop and blues - perhaps not all at the same time!
Cleanest Bilge Award-and other prizes
Most Unique Boat was awarded to Roger Patterson’s PEGGY OF TWEED. An open canoe stern launch, that was built by her owner Roger in 2022 in Pottsville, NSW.
Self Examination-AWBF features Australia
Given the difficulties in travel and transport over the last few years, the festival organisers made a cleaver decision for 2023, to highlight Australian designers and builders and with the release of the full program on line, we can now see how they are intending to do this.
Australian National Maritime Museum’s Wooden Boat Symposium Line Up
For those of us lucky enough to be attending next years festival, the live symposium provides a level of scholarship and intellect rarely applied to the world of wooden boats. The program is now out!
Just Over Seven Months… and Counting
Former Chair of the AWBF, Peter Higgs once described the Festival as an elephant on roller skates, zooming down a hill. In the words of the current General Manager Paul Stephanus… “Well, we are are now almost seven months out from the big day, and the beast is well and truly picking up momentum.“
A Sea Of Custodians
The portraits will become an evolving display at the Festival with each participant invited to find their image amongst the sea of faces and handwrite on their print what wooden boat custodianship means to them.
Expressions of Interest Now Open for AWBF 2023
Got a wooden boat? Why not bring your pride and joy? It will be four years since the last Festival, and the AWBF crew are excited to open the flood gates for registrations.
Wrapping Up the Trail
Wooden boats were and still are a common feature in Tasmania, an island surrounded by water. Sharing the knowledge surrounding the wooden boat craft is a big feature for the Australian Wooden Boat Festival.
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