The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
The world's largest wooden sailing boat
I find it hard to get too excited about stories of semi-billionaires spending a small proportion of their wealth on enormous toys like this one. But you have to admit there are some good trickledown effects…Shipwrights with solid jobs, skilled crew in permanent employment, caterers, photographers, engineers, pilots, sailmakers, insurance companies, … the list goes on and on.
Self Assessment
If you are reading this then the chances are you are part of something that’s bigger than you imagine. The wooden boat world by nature self depreciatory. It’s an admirable characteristic to understate, to play down, in a world where the unjustified hyperbole often drowns out the the quiet achievers.
Handmade timber yacht built on North Queensland cane farm set to sail again
While other kids were playing sport, Ms Lambert and her brother spent weekends by their father's side as he built his masterpiece over the next decade. She was a teenager when the boat was finally launched at Mackay Harbour in 1984.
A Record of Design
There are two types of traditional boat enthusiasts; Those that grew up reading the American publication “Wooden Boat” and those who grew up with the British monthly, “Classic Boat”.
Hoana - Past, Present, Future.
Let’s face it: those of us in this room belong to a religion, a cult, if you like. It’s not a blessing of the fleet kind of religion; it's a nature-worshipping religion, a pagan religion, a mystery cult. The deepest mystery of all - is, of course - where does all the money go? Yes - our totems do demand the occasional sacrifice of the fatted wallet. But what do they offer in return?
Let’s Do It Ugly!
But one of the stainless bolts broke off in my hand. The original silicon bronze bolts appeared to be excellent condition and not replaced. New silicon bronze bolts replaced the old stainless steel bolts.
Telling Hawaii’s Stories, One Hand-Carved Surfboard at a Time
Half a dozen finished boards rested against a wall, their lacquer shimmering in the morning light, but what immediately caught the eye were the intricate patterns embedded in their facades.
Schooner Music
In the months just before and after 1969, as clean-cut crooners and girl bands and Motown acts gave way to long-haired singer-songwriters who filled football stadiums, the Great American Songbook tilted on a fulcrum. At the center was a mustachioed scamp with sparkling blue eyes – and a wooden ship designed 40 years earlier by the great John G. Alden.
Revisionism, Reassessment, Reinvention?
I find, in rereading some of the classic sailing books published back then, and which I still love, that I squirm a little. It is indisputable that the Slocum era, was also the colonial era; in fact, in its heyday, ocean cruising throve on the socio-political infrastructure of colonial outposts, as uncomfortable as that is for me to admit.
Story Updates
We love hearing from our readers. The depth and breadth of knowledge out there is extraordinary!
Talking Maritime
The Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) was formed in 1909 and is a community organisation committed to collecting, researching and sharing an understanding of the history of Victoria.
Q Class Renewed
This approach of building brand new boats to old designs can, I feel, sometimes fall between two stools, ending up with a boat without the functionality, systems, volume and performance of a modern yacht and yet lacking the “soul” of a yacht that has undergone a sensitive restoration.
Next Year Already
The cover pictures two of the most storied yachts currently based in Tasmania, neither of which has her origins in the Island State… The famous TE RAPUNGA and the Aage Nielsen’s Newport Bermuda winner, HOLGER DANSKE
Readers Write
Every week we get sent gems of information and interesting enquiries. Not every one is substantial enough for a fully blown article but each is worthy of sharing. This is where we do it!
Mornington Memories
The brownie box camera seen on deck may have been an aide memoir- that diary we all carry around with us. All this when the curve of the earth prevented a view of the city skyline from Mornington harbour.
It’s Going to be Expensive
This is going to be expensive and drawn out. Numbers at this stage are guesstimates, but market chatter suggests insurers should be very pleased if they can keep payouts much below $1bn.
Anchors and Symbols
Hope that they will not drag, hope that they will enable the vessel to survive the storms that threaten it, and hope that they can successfully be used to kedge the vessel off of the reef or sand bar she has grounded on before the waves break her back.
Readers Write
Staying on top of the SWS inbox is time consuming, but rewarding. Much of the correspondence covers interesting gems of information, perhaps not substantial enough for a stand alone article, but definitely worth sharing.
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