How Sarah built a tall ship

I’m a firm believer that being involved with wooden boats is really more about the people than the boats. if you have a connection to timber craft then you may not be perfect, but there’s a good chance you’ll be interesting!

My connection with the Australian Wooden Boat Festival, has allowed me to meet many dedicated wooden boat aficionados, perhaps none more so than fellow board member Captain Sarah Parry, so I was delighted to hear that she was going to be on the ABC’s “Conversations with Richard Fidler.”

The interview with Sarah went to air yesterday, and I strongly recommend that you find 50 minutes in your day and listen to her inspirational story, by clicking the image below.

And if you want to find out more about the ship she built, and the restoration work on MISTRAL II have a look around the WINDWARD BOUND website


The Family Reunion- VENTURA Part Three


a mild act of anarchy