WYRUNA-18 months on

One of the first films we made when we created SWS was with Sam Binder and Linda Blore as they started their monumental restoration of WYRUNA in Ferdi Darly’s shed in Williamstown. We were new to the world of Youtube publishing and were shocked by the views and engagement it was getting. Now with 140,000 plays and over 100 comments we are starting to realise the power of the platform. Some of the comments are hilarious….My favourites include…

“Oh my word, would somebody please do a TV series which follows this wonderful boatbuilder? I was once lucky enough to sail for an afternoon under Will Oxley. This gentleman (Ferdi Darley) exudes the same humble, confident, complete familiarity with the environment he's in charge of. There aren't many things as enjoyable as watching people of such calibre pursuing their art.”

“Who's the git in the red jacket? (Your humble editor!) He's pretty rude, just talking over people, and changing conversation direction in the middle of an explanation.”

“A great choice of music.”

“Horrible Music”

“You guys are crazy and I love it”

Anyway, many of the comments were asking, where is Part Two? Yes we have been slack. 18 months is too long between updates. We could call “COVID” but really its just time and resources. (Hence the “Donate” button at the top of the page!)

So here’s a short update on how the beautiful old lady is coming along….And we promise it won’t be 18 months before the next one!


For my Love Of EGRET Part One


Gambling on the 18’s