As Raced : Sydney Amateurs

THE RACE - Classic Summer Series 2021

THE CLUB - Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, Mosman, Sydney


“Founded in 1872, The Amateurs is one of the oldest yacht clubs in Australia. For almost 150 years we have brought together people with a love of boats and a love of sailing – this is still the core of everything we do today.”

For almost 150 years, excluding the odd war and pandemic, SASC has held races every Saturday in summer. January 9, 2021 was no exception. Here are some fantastic photos of the fleet in action, captured by Andrea Francolini. He sent through these images with the following note:

“Just a local club with a classic fleet and I went out to shoot them for the pleasure of shooting classic yachts – which I think we need to see more of !!”

We couldn’t agree more! And if you happen to be in any of these photographs, or the owner of one of these boats, please drop us a line, we’d love to learn of and share your story.

Editor // Sal Balharrie


Shipwrecked Jervis Bay


Saving A Dragon