Readers Write #2
Some comments and suggestions this week…mostly relating to previous SWS articles. We love this feedback…keep it coming!
Patrick Whitton writes in after reading last years article SALTASH & DIAMONDS
Just been reading your article on YW Diamond..
I’m the guy that sold SALTASH… that’s the name I bought it as to the Wright Brothers… I bought it from Rod Florance (Flow) and sailed/“raced” it out of the Queensland Cruising YC, Cabbagetree Creek…Sandgate.
I drove past it on Kennedy Tce too many times and finely plucked up the courage to ask the then owner about that beautiful beautiful lady in his front yard…
The start of a love that still haunts me to this day… Rugby on Saturday… Diamond Racing on Sunday..
You have no idea what it feels like to screech across the bay at 20+ knots with water rushing over the gunnels into the cockpit.. and EVERYONE just beaming… sucking in the rush…
A beautiful lady with impeccable manners … so forgiving and ready to give more if you were brave enough… we raced till something broke… then turned for home
Such memories… so few will ever experience… I’m such a lucky bastard …
Ian Malley writes after reading DELIGHTFUL, DELICIOUS DINOSAURS.
Photo: Erik Lähteenmäki
Hi There
I enjoyed reading your article from last August on Delightful, Delicious Dinosaurs and think there is a query on where Australia 3 has landed. As I understand, Bond Corp sold Australia 3 & 4 to Masakuzu Kobayashi together with computer simulations for $7 million before the America's Cup series was sailed having failed to become the defender. They were both taken to Japan and painted red and named Bengal. Eventually he ran into financial difficulty and both Australia 3 & 4 where shipped to Miri Marina in Sarawak. Google Earth photos suggest they are both still there plus some photos on Sailing Anarchy.
It appears that Dai-Ichi Life held the debt and now owns the two yachts. They are apparently unwilling to sell the boats for anything other than the amount that was paid for them and have refused offers to buy the boats for substantially lower amounts.
I would be interest if you could let me have more detail if the boat is now in Italy. I am a fan of all things 12 metre yachts from a very young age.
(If anyone can answer Ian’s questions then contact the editor and we’ll pass it on)
A brief comment from Simon Morris relating to our sad story about SIRIUS. Surely there’s someone out there with the will and energy to save this pivotal part of Australia’s yachting history.
Simon writes -
I am the present owner (since November 2001) and the yacht is at present in a shipyard in Phuket, awaiting restoration and repairs.
It is too much of a project for me to undertake, so I am prepared to donate the yacht to whoever has the means and the courage to take on the project.
Long story about the guy I left it with, neglected it and I don’t have the energy or the money to restore her.
Simon Morris
Chiang Rai
Finally we received this correspondence from Dr.Nyeko Anguzu James.
I’m not sure about SWS’s qualifications to supply" “TRANSPORT BOATS, AMBULANCES AND MARINE BOATS TO ISLANDS OF REPUBLIC OF UGANDA.”… But hey! What could go wrong!
Migingo Island on Lake Victoria, Uganda
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Dr.Nyeko Anguzu James a sourcing agent and consultant CEO of Green bells consultancy, from Republic of Uganda doing procurement roles on unlimited basis. We represent many clients in Uganda, East and Central African Countries. I have checked through your company profile and it turns out to fit the exact reputation of a company that can undertake a large project. We have a bigger tender from of the Tender from one of the clients for SUPPLYING TRANSPORT BOATS, AMBULANCES AND MARINE BOATS TO ISLANDS OF REPUBLIC OF UGANDA.
This tender is having already allocated budget from ministry of finance, monitored by Military council and already in place to finalize the supply. Therefore I request that you send me a well drafted company profile so that I can submit your proposal to the special contracts committee board for proper diligence and schematization. Please note that your company will have an upper hand in winning this tender because its already sourced, select bid and confidential tender.
I look forward to your response so we can carry forward.
Yours Truly
Dr.Nyeko Anguzu James .
Sourcing agent & Consultant/CEO
Green bells consultancy