The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
“Pink makes everything fabulous.” – Barbie
“For the amount of work in the six-month time frame, it was very tricky. We worked every day, some very long days, to get Mermaid ready for relaunch at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival in February.”
The Big Question-Restore, Renovate or Re-birth
It is not a “want” issue but a “need” issue and few I wager will be completely honest about this at the time of purchase. But let’s not to be too hard, the answer sometimes comes after a time.So here is the story of ROSIE to question what each new owner may wish to achieve.
Young & Free - CLARE'S New Custodians
"I was just scrolling Facebook one day, and we had been in the market for a timber boat for a little while. And occasionally I would send Holly ridiculous things from boats online or on Facebook. I'd come across this Maurice Griffiths boat, and I sent it to Holly. They were asking 800 bucks"
CARESS-A magnificent restoration
With her distinctive raised deck, pretty canoe stern and unique shear strake, CARESS is the epitome of a truly classic design from a past era.
Restoration of "Freydis" Sail number J1
The only medieval and primary sources we have of Freydís are the two Vinland sagas; the Grœnlendinga saga and the Eiríks saga rauða. The two sagas offer differing accounts, though in both Freydís appears as a masculine, strong-willed woman who would defy the odds of her society.
“the Unsung World of Classic Restoration”
The YVONNE project has been an integral part of the life of some of my closest friends for seven years now. So when we heard that the seminal British publication “Classic Boat” had selected her to be on the short list of best “Restored Sailing Vessel under 40ft” then it is cause for celebration.
This item is offered PICK UP ONLY-Australia’s Oldest Yacht?
In about twelve days time the oldest yacht in Australia will either have an appointment with a chainsaw or become the subject of one of the bravest rescue missions seen in the last decade. Crazy things have been going on in the wooden boat market recently. Let’s hope it’s the latter!
Never to Float Again
After almost two weeks of uncertainty, and six months' worth of mud drying on the weary paddle wheeler's hull, Longreach tourism company Outback Pioneers revealed the boat would not be able to cruise again.
An Unempiracle Health Check
So now I’m a little confused! There are so many good things going on, so many positive stories and no shortage of activity, so why we are not brimming with optimism?
Holly, Jordy & CLARE
My name is Holly (22 years old) and my husband Jordy (23 years old) and I are the very proud owners of ‘Clare’. She is a Maurice Griffiths, 40 foot ketch planked in 1 1/2 Jarrah, built and launched in 1951 in WA. She is currently out of the water in Hastings VIC and we are currently completing a full restoration.
comments on Restoration “worthiness”
Like the preservation of our built environment, historical buildings only live on if they are living breathing things that people can engage with. Historic vessels surely the same?
Deciding What’s Worth Saving
There is of course in the community a finite amount of time, resources and money to go into restoring old boats. Not every craft can be saved. I estimate that of the wooden boats in Australia that are currently “out of commission” perhaps one in ten will ever float again… So what should be the criteria for deciding which craft are worthy of a new lease of life?
Normandy to Sorrento
But as I stood in the new machine shop and glanced out the window, I saw an unassuming little boat that without a doubt had been drawn by the inimitable Laurent Giles.
The owners of JOLLY ROGER are looking for someone to take her on, gratis. She’s lying afloat, but sad, at Claremont Yacht Club.
Jolly Roger-Rani’s Relation
Perhaps before embarking on the new build of a wooden boat, first consider if there is an existing craft that, given a full restoration, would fulfil your needs and dreams as well as one built from scratch.
Eddy Vinks and the epic restoration of BOONGOWN
I think to myself, isn't it great that we have people in the world, passionate master craftsmen like my good mate Eddy, who put all their love into a project such as Boongown, until it just seeps from every surface and inspires the admiration of everyone who sees it or is lucky enough to climb aboard.
The Family Reunion- VENTURA Part Three
Brendan’s vision was to rebuild her graceful design. And to create a yacht that would be both beautiful and very user friendly for himself and his family
The Racing Yacht, TERRA LINNA
In March 1886 the now Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania conducted a race to Port Esperance for 28 footers with a sweepstake prize of 10s. per boat. Entries included F Turner’s SUNBEAM, Mr Calder’s MAGIC, Mr Knight’s TERRA LINNA, Mr Lewis’s MILLY, Mr Cheverton’s MABEL, and Mr Maddock’s MYRINE.
double-deckers, with propellers- Toroa
The young colonial town of Auckland, built on the isthmus between the Waitemata and Manukau harbours, for centuries traversed by Maori waka, was completely dependent on sea transport.
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