The Inverloch Classic Dinghy Regatta is Back!
This little event has always been aligned closely with SWS’ values. Community based, volunteer run, racing but not for sheep stations… all the right ingredients… Get Involved!
Image- Mark Chew
The Inverloch Classic Dinghy Regatta hosted by the SGYC and with the assistance of local service clubs, community groups and our sponsors, now runs in mid-February and heralds a renewed focus on the joy of sailing these classic dinghies on Anderson Inlet. Building on the success of past years, the purpose of the regatta is for owner/sailors to get these boats on the water and to display to the public the variety of timber dinghies that were once common along Victorian beaches, but are now quite rare. Details for the next event are being prepared and entries generally open early-December with NOR and other documentation available HERE
So dust off your wooden dinghy and plan to get back on the water this summer in the company of fellow enthusiasts!
To give a flavour of what to expect, there’s a write up from our 2020 event here, plus some great videos here. We look forward to seeing you here in Inverloch soon!
Classic Wooden Boats
The Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta focuses predominantly on racing dinghies of the era of around, but not limited to 1940-80 and in particular the Moth. These will typically be of (but not limited to) timber construction.
The Moth, which is now sailed around the world, is of special interest because the Moth class originated in Inverloch. Len Morris built the first boat, which is on display at Albert Park Lake yacht club .
Dinghies we are encouraging to participate include:
Image- Mark Chew
Moth, Vee Jay, Cherub, Heron, Mirror, Javelin, Sabot, 125, Canoe, Skate, Minnow, Flying Ant, Light Weight Sharpie, 12 Sq Metre, 14 foot skiff, Fireball, FJ, Flying Dutchman, Lazy E, Finn, O.K., Cadet, Fairy Penguin, GP 14, Gwen 12, Minnow, Many Junior, Miracle, NS14, Rainbow, Sabre, Solo, Elwood Seahorse, Port Phillip 12, Sailfish.
Image- Mark Chew
Over the last few years many of these classes have either sailed and/or exhibited at the Regatta and the event continues to grow from strength to strength. Some of these boats may be in their original condition, others may be restored and some may be new built to original plans and designs.
Other Wooden Boats
There are also a number of other wooden boats of historical interest that we hope will participate, such as:
Fishing boats such as the Couta sailing boat-clinker or planked.
General purpose or recreational sailing boats built in the classic style.
We have in past events been lucky enough to have the services of a classic wooden power boat to act as a race start boat.
Additional activities and attractions with a historical link to Inverloch typically complete the weekend’s program, making it a great way to spend time around Classic boats on magnificent Andersons Inlet.
Image- Mark Chew