The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
Saltash & Diamonds
The Yachting World Keelboat #1 ZEST was presented ‘on the pool’ at Earls Court Boat Show in 1961 and in an article by Yachting World as A-BUILD-HER-YOURSELF DESIGN BY JACK HOLT. In 1967 the boat was renamed the YW Diamond. Here’s Jack sporting hair a la Cosmo Kramer, writes Charlie Salter.
The Shank Returns
THE SHANK RETURNS for anyone who wishes to turn the pages of adventure on the high seas, or plans to visit Tasmania's wild South West Coast for themselves to write adventures of their own. If however the latter is your preference, make sure you heed Ian's warning, "Are you ready for this?”
an old man with the eyes of a child / Film review
Just by looking at him, one would hardly guess that once upon a time, Paul Johnson was a famous boat designer: an old man, he is now living on a diet of beer and vodka, his body giving out just like his vessel.
A conversation with the Chief Officer
It is clear that Tom is finding it challenging to make his way south to the latitude of Hiva Oa. In spite of the strong westerly-flowing current, the force of the south easterly trade winds is making it difficult to hold a course south of west.
Keep Your Eyes Open
My friend Justine grew up on Big Rat. She remembers tiger sharks ramming the hull of her dad’s fishing boat and watching a whirlpool of fins, waiting for a bucket of guts to be tipped over the side. This was all I knew of the Abrolhos. Islands have always attracted writers and readers as rich fictional microcosms. Here’s a review of three books perfect for a Christmas on deck read.
The Boy Who Fell To Shore.
The great irony of Thamas Tangvald’s life was that he could never see nor comprehend how negative his father's influence really was. What he never grasped was that his father was in fact an agent of tragedy.
Sheila Patrick Sailor & Journalist
‘Women Should Own Boats. Women are very enthusiastic about sailing, but comparatively few of them own and sail their own boats. If a few more women owned boats they would be placed on the same footing as men in yacht clubs, as are the women in England and the United States’. So wrote the inspirational Shelia Patrick and first female member of CYCA - Charlie Salter takes us inside her story.
Cornelius – a Broome Pearling Lugger
The sheets were inch thick manilla or sisal rope and there were no winches or cleats, just solid belaying pins. The enormous tiller was controlled by a rope bridle. There was no shelter for the helmsman from heavy weather although luggers built in following years had a small wheelhouse.
From the Ground Up
“It’s not an arms race. You can sail affordably in a high end competition.” SWS has done several stories about the Sharpie in Australia. This week watch ‘FROM THE GROUND UP’ and hear from those who are leading the resurgence and fresh enthusiasm for the class.
The Racing Yacht, TERRA LINNA
In March 1886 the now Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania conducted a race to Port Esperance for 28 footers with a sweepstake prize of 10s. per boat. Entries included F Turner’s SUNBEAM, Mr Calder’s MAGIC, Mr Knight’s TERRA LINNA, Mr Lewis’s MILLY, Mr Cheverton’s MABEL, and Mr Maddock’s MYRINE.
Tom’s Pacific Journey - A Significant Change of Course
Day 49: Ecuadorian tuna fishing ship sighted. They lowered speedboat, two men approached, ‘no English‘, pirates? Silence. They smiled, phew. I rubbed my belly. They nodded. Bully beef? Onions? Rice? I wish. Potato chips, Powerade and cigarettes instead!
Auckland to Melbourne. the Second Trans- Tasman Race.
The race for both vessels was fraught . TE RAPUNGA had to beach their yacht in the Bay of Islands, due to extensive leaks. They recaulked as necessary, floated off and continued the race. They won the race from NGATAKI , who arrived nearly two days later, after weathering a horrendous storm passing through Bass Strait.
Chasing Whales to tending Mussels-120 years on the Marlborough Sounds
The video really does have one of the most annoyingly saccharine voice overs ever recorded, but once you get past that, you will hear about an amazing Marlborough family that have owned the 1912 built – BALAENA for 62 years.
Archibald Russell – My tangible link and family yarns
One of her fastest voyages in what was generally called the “Grain Races”, was a passage of 93 days, departing Williamstown on 4th March and arriving Queenstown in Ireland on 5th June, 1929 with 3840 tons of wheat.
Saving SIRIUS-Australia’s first Circumnavigator
''I am not in a position to to carry out the necessary renovations myself, either physically or financially, so unless someone steps forward in the next couple of weeks, I’ll have to start scrapping her.”
This makes me sad-But I understand
The phased withdrawal of paper charts from production will take place over a number of years and is anticipated to conclude in late 2026.
“No comment” is also a comment
In celebration of this rich dialogue and in expectation of more to come, we are republishing (in no particular order) some of our favourites comments from this year.
Recapping a Classic Yacht’s Journey in the Bermuda Race
The adventure was beginning and it was nothing like what I anticipated. Years, months, and days of prep work were forgotten. We just wanted to make it through the evening of squalls and then the Gulf Stream safely reminding ourselves that this trip was our vacation time.
Peter Mander - Give a Man a Boat
Both Mander and Tasker published books with accounts of this career defining competition. They reveal different approaches to sailing mostly defined by character.
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