The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
CARESS - Part Three
CARESS has a delightful neutral helm which gains a very small amount of weather helm as she heels, but the tiller remains light and sensitive. She does not tend to gripe or round up in gusts as do many modern boats, an attribute sought by Wally Ward in his quest for a nicely balanced boat.
All At Sea – Books with a Maritime Flavour
From the beginnings of the novel in the 17th century until the present day, the sea has provided a compelling backdrop for storytelling. Be they tales of adventure and derring-do, romance, philosophy, historical, political or geographical drama, the allure of the sea is strong.
Telling Hawaii’s Stories, One Hand-Carved Surfboard at a Time
Half a dozen finished boards rested against a wall, their lacquer shimmering in the morning light, but what immediately caught the eye were the intricate patterns embedded in their facades.
CARESS Part 2 -Restoration & Design
After sixty years of constant use the entire boat has been stripped back to bare inside and out.
‘We pledged not to eat each other’
He looked at his father and discovered he was ankle-deep in water. Then he looked over his shoulder to the vastness of the Pacific. “There were three orcas; a daddy, mummy and a baby in between. The daddy’s head was split open and bleeding badly.”
ATHENA & Len Randell
Although he designed racing and cruising yachts, it was fishing boats that launched his commercial career. The introduction of high-powered diesel engines was a significant change and needed someone able to calculate the power and propeller requirements, along with the best hull shape and construction, if the craft was to achieve its desired performance
Metre Yachts Triumph at British Classic Week 2024
Having sailed hard in the big winds in the early part of the week and then dominating in the light breeze in the second half of the regatta, it was the Metre yachts that triumphed overall
still watching over treacherous coastlines
"When you are out at sea for months on end and you don't get to see your family, it's also like a nice warm beacon that reminds you that civilisation is just on the coast right there. It gives them a feeling we are there to look after them and help them get on with their journey safely.
SOUTH PASSAGE- a microcosm of life ashore
South Passage’s reason for being is sail training, a term which, these days, is lost on many people. To para-phrase Irving Johnson: sail training is not about preparing young people for a life at sea; rather, sail training uses the challenge of voyaging on a sailing a ship to prepare young people for life.
CARESS-A magnificent restoration
With her distinctive raised deck, pretty canoe stern and unique shear strake, CARESS is the epitome of a truly classic design from a past era.
Save the Date- CR2024
As I write British Classic Week is half way through its program (report to come), and the Aucklanders run a good Racing Weekend, but apart from the Sydney Hobart Veterans Regatta on the Harbour, there is a dearth of genuinely competitive sailing events exclusively for heritage boats in Australia.
The Stowaway Craze
As long as there has been transportation to faraway places, people have been sneaking on board. But the illicit act didn’t have a name in English until 1848, when “stowaway,” a derivative of “stow away,” entered the language.
An Ama to Windward
The Pacific proa configuration has many advantages, including considerably less load on the beams, and thus the rig. Having the ama to windward, although seemingly counterintuitive, is actually safer, as its weight, combined with reserve buoyancy in the main hull’s leeward pod, makes the boat much more resistant to capsize.
Wendy Rose-What its all about!
In 1953 the first marine plywood trailable yacht designed for home construction, the Silhouette, emerged in the UK. The idea took off and by 1960 there were over a thousand sailing throughout the world. The concept was adopted by Richard Hartley in New Zealand who designed the Hartley TS16, and her big sisters the TS18 and TS21: a range of trailable multi-chined plywood yachts.
It was an easy but painful decision to abandon SOLUTION. She was clearly sinking. I estimated that the water was rising an inch every ten minutes and it was now completely covering the floorboards, with 8 inches to go before it covered the main batteries located beneath the lower bunks in the main cabin.
ASTOR footage - Help needed
Which part of Warner’s custodianship these films cover is unclear. However the word ‘Aloha” hints that it might be about the Trans Pac Race? So what we are hoping to find is an SWS reader with the expertise and technology to transfer these reels into a digital format so that we can share them with our community!
Mainstream ZEPHYR
This week the news item below appeared on YouTube. It’s six months out of date but when wooden boat sailing hits the main stream (Channel 7) then SWS should be there to highlight the moment!
Grabbing Adventure with Both Hands.
She meets a lanky Australian engineer Graeme, with a yen to sail around the world, and together they buy HOPE a traditional wooden gaff-rigged cutter and grab adventure with both hands.
HDML 1321 - The End?
"It shouldn't just be a small organisation in Darwin trying to save this vessel, it should be the Australian government looking after the heritage of their military history." Mr Brokenshire said the vessel was "sacred" to a lot of military people.
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