The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
The Business of Pleasure
It’s a very different vibe to the big, broad spectrum boat shows in Queensland, Sydney and Melbourne. No one’s trying to sell you stubby holders for jet skis.
What gets scheduled gets done.
There’s some great Wooden Boat events coming up over the next six months. Commit early, plan thoroughly, do the work, then sit back, and bask in the satisfaction of the achievement.
The Small Boat that Casts a Long Shadow
The finished yacht was exquisitely built, with fine dovetail joints and a beautiful interior, with the varnished red-cedar planks offset by white-painted frames and stringers, and lofty, varnished spruce masts. Less than 20 months after John laid the keel, he hoisted sail and set a course south, bound for Hawaii.
Eight Bells-Ben Marris
Ben Marris, custodian of SAONA for the last 30 years was quietly spoken, self deprecating, and above all generous with his incredible knowledge and experience. I would be untue to say I knew him well. But we corresponded and shared stories around our boating overlaps, which alway made me smile.
Counter Catastro-phising
The agreement was groundbreaking in its ambition. It led to the near-total cessation of whaling activities, with a few notable exceptions , and has contributed to the resurgence of many whale species, including the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
‘Even in the teeth of a gale, she has time for a hula’
The Uto ni Yalo blends various Pacific traditional and modern boat designs and its journey was in part symbolic – representing the unity of the region gathering in Tonga.
Home-built from Plywood on Timber Frames
In an age where technology and €20m can send a solo sailor around the world in 40 days, a fleet of courageous mini sailors is about to show it can be done for less that €50,000 over many days! Sixteen men and two women from 11 countries will navigate 28,000 miles solo around the world in identical, cramped, plywood mini yachts, pushing the limits of what many believe to be possible.
Joe White Continues his Work
Joe paid his dues at the malthouse. Like all new employees he would sweep the floors, feed the hoppers, operate the revolving screens, filled, sewed up, and carried the four and a half bushel bags. Only 4 years into training in 1892, at just 23 years old, Joe had to step up and take the reins of the business.
Australia's highest peak
Five times that great white whale of a mountain tried to kill the first team that sought to reach its summit. Yet in 1964, back they sailed, through the worst seas in the world, to try again, this time with legendary explorer Bill Tilman as their skipper.
Finding Glenshiel
"My father in law, Hugh Garnham (now in his late 80s) built a 26ft Huon pine yacht, called GLENSHIEL in the late 1950s, to do the Sydney-Hobart. He was in his early twenties when he built it at his parents’ house, which happened to be on the foreshore of the Derwent."
Cup Regatta 2024 - Entries and Ticketing Now Open!
After being revitalised in 2023, The Cup Regatta, organised by the Classic Yacht Association of Australia, is now looking to expand its reach, with a goal of having 50+ boats racing on the waters of Port Phillip on the first weekend of November.
Passionate Young Shipwrights
One of the main catalysts for starting the company was to sustain and grow the art of wooden boatbuilding by passing on the skills they have accumulated. It’s a shared passion to keep the skills of wooden boat building alive for generations to come.
Olympic Opinions
“…Of all the many anachronisms at the modern Olympics, sailing is perhaps the most conspicuous of all: a continuing sop to super-rich men who founded the Games and still just really love yachts, basically inaccessible to most of the countries in the world, even the ones with a viable coastline.”
A Race Around the Local Cafés
All boats are cultural heritage and kept in great sailing and racing condition, governed by strict class rules that guard the traditional outfit and materials. Since they all have different hull dimensions there is a type of IMS/VPP system determining how much m2 of sail each Skûtsje can have to ensure fair and equal competition.
Destination Greece
As the world becomes more and more risk adverse, and our weekly screen time reports go up and up, perhaps we can be advocates for stepping outside the commonplace and doing things a little differently.
“A Completely Free Hand with the Design.”
As Melbourne celebrated the Olympics in late 1956, and Beryl and Miles Smeeton headed off from the Yarra River on their epic journey around Cape Horn, the finished vessel quietly slipped into the water near Great Yarmouth on the Norfolk Broads.
Circumnavigating New Guinea in a traditional sailing canoe
A beautiful thing is the culture of reciprocity, you go into a relationship with people by exchanging gifts. I also like that you are defined by your kinship and relations, not your job title.
After threading his way through the island-strewn Bass Strait, often running on ded-reckoning in thick weather, he made landfall in Kiama after 92 days, going on to Sydney a few days later.
Let’s Do It Ugly!
But one of the stainless bolts broke off in my hand. The original silicon bronze bolts appeared to be excellent condition and not replaced. New silicon bronze bolts replaced the old stainless steel bolts.
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