The News, Culture and Practice of Sailing woodenboats
in Australia, New Zealand & The South Pacific.
Eight And A Half
The photographs and article come all the way from Hungary. The images speak for themselves of family bonds, of patient learning, of persistence and of dreams. This is the story of Eight And A Half.
Lady Luck!
This is one of the things we love about old wooden boats…For less than AUD$7000, you can own this incredible piece of history!
We Speak With Francolini
When it comes to capturing the true nature of boats and the essence of sailing there are few finer than photographer Andrea Francolini. Join us in this exclusive interview.
Endless Sea : A Book Review
I refuse to call THE ENDLESS SEA a coffee table book. It’s so much more than what that mildly derisive term implies. Once in a while a beautifully designed book such as this, lands on my desk, and …
The SWS Summer Playlist
Here are the tunes you’ll need for these holidays. All songs reference boats and sailing in at least a fleeting way.
A New Custodian for Sunstone?
The famous Sunstone is for sale in Nelson, New Zealand, and for the right custodian she would be the most rewarding combination of form, function and provenance.
A Twist In The Tail
With just a week remaining in this bizarre year, it would have been surprising if there wasn’t a twist in the tail of 2020.
Flotsam #2
Every week you’ll find snippets of stories from around the globe. This week in Flotsam - The AGE profiles Wyruna.
42 Boats in 42 Days
“When Melbourne went into stage three lock down in July 2020, we lost the opportunity to go sailing in our beautiful wooden boats.”
The Life & Times of Yacht Ida
In the spring of 1895 Charles Bailey Jr and his younger brother Walter, trading as “C. & W. Bailey”, built the 5 rater Ida for their good customers, merchants Jagger brothers and W. Frater Jr. …. The restoration process commenced with cutting off the rotting, cabin top, decking and beams.
Australian Wooden Boat Festival
it’s good to see that despite the cancellation of the 2021 Australian Wooden Boat Festival, the organisers led by Paul Stephanus, have decided to go ahead with the spectacular biennial Parade of Sail on the Derwent. on Sunday 7th of February 2021.
This Week’s Flotsam
Every week you’ll find snippets of stories from around the globe. This week in Flotsam - A library book is returned 33 years overdue.
A New Life on Pittwater
Occasionally, quite unexpectedly, we come across our heroes. An interview aboard with Anna Ingham, the current custodian of a 42ft, cray boat, the OWEN JOHN.
Wyruna’s Restoration Part One
The choice between the chainsaw and a full restoration is often a difficult one. WYRUNA is lucky enough to have found two realistic owners and a shipwright who knows exactly what he’s doing. WATCH PART ONE.
70 years after her first trip to Hobart, this little boat is heading south again this year, in the hands of husband and wife team Anne Lawrence and John Whitfield.
Finding Aloa
ALOA has quite a special history. She was designed by AC Barber (perhaps most famous for designing the first Sydney Hobart winner RANI) and built in Berry's Bay just north of Goat Island in Sydney Harbour, possibly by Charles Pugh.
The Cup Regatta reboot
If you’re looking for an event to target as we attempt Cov-exit, we think you should consider this one!
The Last Lighthouse Keeper
“I knew there were already plans to electrify the lights. To automate. To relegate man beneath machines. To make us redundant. To take all the purpose out of life. As if richness did not lie in purpose and meaning but in leisure. I was keenly aware that I was in love with a dying life.”
Podcast ONE: Pizza With Beer
PODCAST ONE - In this our very first podcast we speak with ANT PERRI, BOAT COOK EXTRAORDINAIRE! Get a pen and paper to jot down his tips and tricks.
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